20 Former and Retiring U.S. House Members Urge Sitting Members and Candidates to Make  democracyFIRST Promise Ahead of 2024 Election

National Press Release

WASHINGTON – Today, democracyFIRST announced that 20 former and retiring members of the U.S. House of Representatives, predominantly representing districts in the Presidential Battleground States, penned a letter to current House members and candidates urging them to support the democracyFIRST Promise. To date, more than 60 general election candidates for the US House have made the democracyFIRST Promise.

The democracyFIRST Promise campaign aims to restore the standards, expectations, and norms for elected officials and candidates seeking positions overseeing the administration and certification of elections. The Promise is centered on four non-partisan pro-democracy principles:

  • Protect the right to vote for eligible citizens.
  • Denounce threats or attempts to incite violence against political opponents or election workers.
  • Stop the spread of falsehoods and misinformation about the electoral process.
  • Accept and certify the final election results according to the law after all ballots are counted.

The open letter is signed by the following retired and retiring House members:

Rep. Adam Kinzinger (IL); Rep. Cheri Bustos (IL); Rep. Cindy Axne (IA); Rep. Conor Lamb (PA); Rep. David Cicilline (RI); Rep. Dean Phillips (MN); Rep. Earl Blumenhaur (OR); Rep. Erik Paulson (MN); Rep. Joe Cunningham (SC); Rep. John Sarbanes (MD); Rep. Katie Hill (CA); Rep. Katie Porter (CA); Rep. Max Rose (NY); Rep. Mimi Walters (CA); Rep. Paul Hodes (NH); Rep. Peter DeFazio (OR); Rep. Ron Barber (AZ); Rep. Steve Driehaus (OH); Rep. Steve Israel (NY); and Rep. Tom Malinowski (NJ).

Read the full text of the letter here and below:

Dear Members of Congress and Candidates Seeking Election to the US House in 2024,

On January 3rd, 2025, many of you will have the honor of taking the oath of office to serve a new term in the US House of Representatives. A day we all remember from our service in the House that officially marks the start of a new session of Congress. You will continue a tradition to pledge your unwavering commitment to “support and defend the Constitution of the United States” and “faithfully discharge the duties of the office.”

Days later, on January 6th, 2025, that promise will face its first – and most important – test. With necessary recounts finished, state certification complete, and honest legal questions resolved, you will fulfill the final step in the process by certifying the Electoral College vote and affirming the American people’s decision in the 2024 Presidential election.

The last time Congress met to take up this time-honored tradition marked one of the most shameful days in America’s history. Many of us experienced firsthand what happens when partisan extremists knowingly spread lies about our elections, promote violent rhetoric, and even attempt to overturn the will of the voters in a free and fair election. Our democracy was put at risk that day, and we can never allow that to happen again.

That’s why we – a bipartisan coalition of former and retiring Members of Congress – are calling on every candidate, regardless of party or ideology, seeking to serve in the 119th Congress to make a promise that they will live up to our oath to defend the Constitution:

By making this Promise, you will support the non-partisan, pro-democracy principles underpinning our electoral process, constitutional republic, and the rule of law. These four core principles include:

  • Protect the right to vote for eligible American citizens;
  • Denounce any attempt to intimidate, harass, threaten, or incite political violence;
  • Reject attempts to spread misinformation about the integrity of elections;
  • Accept the ultimate outcome of the election, certify the result, and support the peaceful transfer of power.

These simple, non-partisan, and foundational ideas are essential to preserving the future of our democratic republic. They are principles overwhelmingly supported by the majority of Americans and also what they expect from candidates asking for their vote to represent them in Congress. By making this promise, you will signify to your constituents that you put our country, constitutional republic, and democracy first.

We know from experience the immense sacrifice it takes to run for public office, and we commend your service in these challenging times for our country. But we also know that the path forward to preserve the future of our democracy and republic depends on your willingness to lead and put country over party. In this era of deep division and distrust, we must unite to reaffirm our commitment to the values that unite us as Americans. We urge you all to stand on the right side of history and join us in taking the democracyFIRST Promise to preserve our democracy for generations to come and ensure that our government remains of the people, by the people, and for the people.


This new bipartisan group of departing and retired Members of the US House joins a growing coalition of current and former Members who publicly support the democracyFIRST Promise. Below is a complete list of the coalition of departing and retired US House Members supporting the democracyFIRST Promise:

Rep. Adam Kinzinger (IL)

Rep. Ann McLane Kuster (NH)

Rep. Bill Schuster (PA)

Rep. Charlie Dent (PA)

Rep. Cheri Bustos (IL)

Rep. Cindy Axne (IA)

Rep. Colin Allred (TX)

Rep. Conor Lamb (PA)

Rep. Crescent Hardy (NV)

Rep. David Cicilline (RI)

Rep. Dean Phillips (MN)

Rep. Earl Blumenhaur (OR)

Rep. Erik Paulson (MN)

Rep. Jason Altmire (PA)

Rep. Jim Greenwood (PA)

Rep. Joe Cunningham (SC)

Rep. John Sarbanes (MD)

Rep. Kathy Dahlkemper (PA)

Rep. Katie Hill (CA)

Rep. Katie Porter (CA)

Rep. Max Rose (NY)

Rep. Mimi Walters (CA)

Rep. Mike Doyle (PA)

Rep. Patrick Murphy (PA)

Rep. Paul Hodes (NH)

Rep. Peter DeFazio (OR)

Rep. Reid Ribble (WI)

Rep. Ruben Gallego (AZ)

Rep. Ron Barber (AZ)

Rep. Steve Driehaus (OH)

Rep. Steve Israel (NY)

Rep. Tom Malinowski (NJ)

Rep. Tom Petri (WI)

Rep. Tom Ridge (PA)

Rep. William Brodhead (MI)

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