democracyFIRST Promise
As public officials who have sworn an oath to the Constitution, and who have the responsibility of overseeing elections in our jurisdictions, we commit to our fellow citizens that we will place our loyalty to our country, republic, and democracy first.
We commit to respecting the checks and balances defined in our Constitution, and preserving our electoral processes, democratic institutions, and norms, which protect the rights, freedoms, liberties, and opportunities guaranteed to all Americans.
In all cases, I will:
Support every eligible American citizen’s freedom to exercise their right to register and vote in free, fair, accessible, safe, and secure elections.
Denounce any attempt to intimidate, harass, threaten, or incite violence against election workers or against the opponents or supporters of any candidate for office.
Restore trust and faith in our democracy, and never undermine our electoral process by knowingly propagating falsehoods and misinformation
Accept the final election result and certify the results in accordance with the law after all ballots are counted. We will support the peaceful transfer of power and certification of the election. Any claims of election irregularities, or requests for recounts of election contests, will be reviewed in good faith under the law without intimidation, violence, undermining faith in elections through disinformation or other unlawful means.
We promise to partner, across partisan division and across the country, to support and defend these foundational principles of our democratic republic.
2024 Promise Candidates
National Coalition Leaders
Incumbent Members of Congress
Former Member of Congress

Former Elected Official
Adam Kinzinger
Former U.S. Representative

Former Elected Official
Barbara Comstock
Former U.S. Representative for Virginia